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Texas Poker: A Guide for Beginners

Are you interested in learning how to play one of the most popular card games in the world? If so, you are in the right place. In this article, we will introduce you to Texas poker, also known as Texas hold'em, a game that combines skill, luck, and strategy. We will cover the history, rules, variations, tips, tournaments, and online options of Texas poker. By the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of how to play Texas poker and how to enjoy it.

texas poker

History of Texas Poker

Texas poker is a variant of poker that uses two hole cards and five community cards to make the best possible five-card hand. The origin of Texas poker is not clear, but some sources claim that it was invented in Robstown, Texas, in the early 20th century. The game spread throughout Texas and was introduced to Las Vegas in 1963 by a group of Texan gamblers. The game became popular after the 1970 World Series of Poker (WSOP), which featured Texas hold'em as the main event. Since then, Texas poker has become the most widely played form of poker in casinos, tournaments, and online platforms.

Rules of Texas Poker

The rules of Texas poker are simple to learn but hard to master. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck and can accommodate up to 10 players at a table. The game consists of four betting rounds: pre-flop, flop, turn, and river. Here are the basic steps of how to play a hand of Texas poker:

  • Each player receives two cards face down (the hole cards).

  • The first betting round begins with the player to the left of the big blind (a forced bet). The player can call (match the big blind), raise (increase the bet), or fold (discard their hand).

  • The dealer deals three cards face up on the table (the flop). These are the first three community cards that all players can use to make their hand.

  • The second betting round begins with the player to the left of the dealer. The player can check (pass), bet (place a wager), call (match a bet), raise (increase a bet), or fold.

  • The dealer deals one more card face up on the table (the turn). This is the fourth community card.

  • The third betting round follows the same pattern as the second.

  • The dealer deals the final card face up on the table (the river). This is the fifth and last community card.

  • The fourth and final betting round follows the same pattern as the previous ones.

  • If more than one player remains in the hand after the last betting round, a showdown occurs. The players reveal their hole cards and compare their hands according to the poker hand rankings. The player with the best hand wins the pot (the sum of all bets made during the hand). If two or more players have equal hands, they split the pot.

Poker Hand Rankings

In Texas poker, as in most variants of poker, the strength of a hand is determined by its rank. The rank of a hand is based on the combination of cards it contains. Here are the standard poker hand rankings from highest to lowest:

  • Royal flush: A, K, Q, J, 10 of the same suit

  • Straight flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit

  • Four of a kind: Four cards of the same rank

  • Full house: Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank

  • Flush: Five cards of the same suit

  • Straight: Five consecutive cards of any suit

  • Three of a kind: Three cards of the same rank

  • Two pair: Two cards of one rank and two cards of another rank

  • One pair: Two cards of the same rank

  • High card: The highest card in the hand

If two or more hands have the same rank, the tie is broken by the following criteria:

  • For royal flushes, straight flushes, straights, and high cards, the hand with the highest card wins.

  • For four of a kind and three of a kind, the hand with the highest set (four or three cards of the same rank) wins.

  • For full houses and two pair, the hand with the highest pair wins. If the pairs are equal, the hand with the highest kicker (the remaining card) wins.

  • For flushes, the hand with the highest card wins. If the cards are equal, the next highest card is compared, and so on.

  • For one pair, the hand with the highest pair wins. If the pairs are equal, the hand with the highest kicker wins. If the kickers are equal, the next highest kicker is compared, and so on.

Variations of Texas Poker

Texas poker is a versatile game that can be played in different ways. There are many variations of Texas poker that differ in terms of betting structure, number of cards dealt, and other rules. Here are some of the most common variations of Texas poker:

No-Limit Texas Hold'em

This is the most popular and widely played variation of Texas poker. In this game, there is no limit to how much a player can bet or raise at any time. This means that a player can go all-in (bet all their chips) at any point in the hand. This creates a lot of action and excitement, as well as risk and reward. No-limit Texas hold'em is the game used in most poker tournaments, including the WSOP main event.

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Limit Texas Hold'em

This is a more conservative and structured variation of Texas poker. In this game, there is a fixed limit to how much a player can bet or raise at any time. The limit is usually expressed as a multiple of the big blind (e.g., 2/4, 5/10, 10/20). This means that a player can only bet or raise by that amount in each betting round. For example, in a 2/4 limit game, a player can only bet or raise by 2 in the pre-flop and flop rounds, and by 4 in the turn and river rounds. This limits the size of the pot and reduces the variance and bluffing opportunities. Limit Texas hold'em is more suitable for beginners and players who prefer a more predictable and mathematical game.

Pot-Limit Texas Hold'em

This is a variation of Texas poker that falls somewhere between no-limit and limit. In this game, there is a limit to how much a player can bet or raise at any time, but it is not fixed. The limit is equal to the size of the pot (the sum of all bets made in the current hand). This means that a player can bet or raise up to the amount of money in the pot at any point in the hand. For example, if there is 10 in the pot and the player wants to raise, they can raise up to 10 more, making the pot 20. This increases the size of the pot and the betting action, but not as much as no-limit. Pot-limit Texas hold'em is more common in Europe and online platforms.

Other Variations

There are many other variations of Texas poker that introduce different rules and twists to the game. Some of these variations are:

  • Short Deck Texas Hold'em: This is a variation of Texas poker that uses a reduced deck of 36 cards, removing all cards from 2 to 5. This changes the probabilities and hand rankings of the game, making it more action-packed and exciting. For example, a flush beats a full house and a three of a kind beats a straight in this game.

  • Pineapple Texas Hold'em: This is a variation of Texas poker that gives each player three hole cards instead of two. The player must discard one of their hole cards before or after the flop, depending on the version. This gives the player more options and possibilities to make a strong hand.

  • Crazy Pineapple Texas Hold'em: This is a variation of Pineapple Texas hold'em that allows the player to keep all three hole cards until the end of the hand, but they must discard one of them at showdown. This creates more uncertainty and bluffing opportunities in the game.

  • Omaha Texas Hold'em: This is a variation of Texas poker that gives each player four hole cards instead of two. The player must use exactly two of their hole cards and three of the community cards to make their hand. This creates more combinations and possibilities to make a strong hand, but also more chances to lose to a stronger hand.

Tips for Texas Poker

Texas poker is a game that requires skill, strategy, and psychology to win. There are many factors that influence the outcome of a hand, such as the cards, the position, the betting action, the opponents, and the pot odds. Here are some general tips that can help you improve your Texas poker skills and strategy:

Know Your Hand Strength

One of the most important skills in Texas poker is to know how strong your hand is in relation to the board and the other players' hands. You need to be able to evaluate your hand's value based on the hand rankings, the number of players in the hand, the betting action, and the possible draws and outs. You also need to be able to adjust your hand strength according to the changing board and betting patterns. For example, a pair of aces may be a very strong hand before the flop, but it may become very weak after the flop if there are three cards of the same suit or three consecutive cards on the board.

Play According to Your Position

Another important skill in Texas poker is to play according to your position at the table. Your position refers to your order of action in relation to the dealer button, which moves clockwise after each hand. The closer you are to the dealer button, the better your position is, because you have more information and control over the betting action. The further you are from the dealer button, the worse your position is, because you have less information and control over the betting action. The positions at a Texas poker table are usually divided into three categories: early, middle, and late.

  • Early position: This includes the small blind, the big blind, and the first two players to the left of the big blind. These are the worst positions to play from, because you have to act first in most betting rounds, without knowing what the other players will do. You should play very tight (selectively) from these positions, only playing strong hands that can withstand pressure from later positions.

  • Middle position: This includes the next three players to the left of the early position. These are intermediate positions that offer some advantages and disadvantages. You have more information than the early position players, but less than the late position players. You should play moderately tight (carefully) from these positions, playing strong hands and some speculative hands that can improve on later streets.

  • Late position: This includes the last two players to the left of the middle position, and the dealer button. These are the best positions to play from, because you have the most information and control over the betting action. You can act last in most betting rounds, which gives you an opportunity to observe and exploit the weaknesses of your opponents. You should play loose (aggressively) from these positions, playing a wide range of hands and applying pressure on your opponents.

Be Aggressive but Selective

A general principle of Texas poker is to be aggressive but selective in your betting and raising. This means that you should bet and raise more often than you check and call, but only when you have a good reason to do so. Being aggressive gives you several advantages in Texas poker:

  • You can win the pot by making your opponents fold their hands.

  • You can build a bigger pot when you have a strong hand.

  • You can protect your hand from being outdrawn by weaker hands.

  • You can create a positive image of being a strong and confident player.

However, being aggressive does not mean being reckless or irrational. You should not bet or raise with every hand or in every situation. You should be selective in choosing your spots to be aggressive, based on your hand strength, your position, your opponents, and the pot odds. Being selective gives you several advantages in Texas poker:

  • You can avoid losing money with weak or marginal hands.

  • You can avoid getting into trouble with dominated or outclassed hands.

  • You can avoid being predictable or exploitable by your opponents.

  • You can create a balanced image of being a smart and adaptable player.

Bluff Wisely

Bluffing is an essential skill in Texas poker, but it is also a risky and tricky one. Bluffing means betting or raising with a weak hand or no hand at all, hoping to make your opponents fold their better hands. Bluffing can be very effective and profitable when done correctly, but it can also be very costly and disastrous when done incorrectly. Here are some tips on how to bluff wisely in Texas poker:

  • Bluff when you have a good reason to believe that your opponents are weak or scared. Look for signs of weakness, such as checking, hesitating, or showing nervousness. Also, look for situations where the board is scary, such as having many high cards, suited cards, or connected cards.

  • Bluff when you have a good chance of succeeding. Consider the number of opponents, the size of the pot, and the betting history. Generally, bluffing is more likely to work against fewer opponents, in smaller pots, and in later betting rounds.

  • Bluff when you have a good backup plan. Sometimes, your bluff may not work and you may face a call or a raise from your opponent. In that case, you should have some outs or ways to improve your hand on later streets. For example, bluffing with a draw or an overcard is better than bluffing with nothing at all.

  • Bluff when you have a good image and reputation. Your opponents are more likely to fold to your bluffs if they respect you and fear you. You can build a good image and reputation by playing solid and aggressive poker, showing strong hands, and avoiding being caught bluffing too often.

Tournaments of Texas Poker

One of the most exciting and rewarding ways to play Texas poker is to participate in tournaments. Tournaments are competitions where players pay a fixed entry fee and receive a certain number of chips to play with. The tournament continues until one player has all the chips or until a predetermined time limit is reached. The players are then ranked according to their chip counts and receive prizes based on their positions. The prizes are usually a percentage of the total entry fees collected from all the participants. Here are some of the benefits of playing Texas poker tournaments:

  • You can win a lot of money with a small investment. The entry fee for a tournament can range from a few dollars to thousands of dollars, depending on the level and prestige of the tournament. However, the potential payout can be much higher than the entry fee, especially if you finish in the top positions. For example, in 2019, Hossein Ensan won the WSOP main event and received $10 million for his $10,000 entry fee.

  • You can experience a lot of thrill and challenge. Playing in a tournament can be very exciting and stimulating, as you face different opponents, situations, and pressures throughout the event. You have to constantly adapt your strategy and tactics according to the changing dynamics of the tournament, such as the blind levels, the stack sizes, the payouts, and the bubble (the point where only a certain number of players will receive prizes). You also have to deal with the psychological aspects of the game, such as confidence, patience, discipline, and resilience.

  • You can improve your skills and knowledge. Playing in a tournament can be very educational and beneficial for your Texas poker development. You can learn from your own mistakes and successes, as well as from observing and analyzing other players' actions and styles. You can also get feedback and advice from other players, coaches, or mentors who can help you improve your game. You can also use online tools and resources, such as books, videos, podcasts, blogs, forums, and software programs that can provide you with valuable information and tips on how to play better Texas poker tournaments.

How to Play Texas Poker Tournaments

If you want to play Texas poker tournaments, you have many options to choose from. You can play live tournaments at casinos or poker clubs, or you can play online tournaments at various websites or apps. You can also choose from different types of tournaments, such as freerolls, sit-and-gos, multi-table tournaments, satellites, rebuys, turbos, and more. Each type of tournament has its own rules, structure, and features that affect the way you play. Here are some general tips on how to play Texas poker tournaments:

  • Choose a tournament that suits your budget, skill level, and preference. You should only play in a tournament that you can afford to lose, that matches your level of experience and competence, and that offers you a good chance of winning or having fun.

  • Play tight in the early stages of the tournament. You should avoid playing too many hands or taking too many risks in the beginning of the tournament, when the blinds are low and the stacks are deep. You should focus on playing strong hands and building a solid image and stack for the later stages.

  • Play aggressive in the middle stages of the tournament. You should increase your aggression and widen your range of hands in the middle of the tournament, when the blinds are higher and the stacks are shallower. You should look for opportunities to steal blinds and antes, to exploit weak or tight players, and to accumulate chips for the final stages.

  • Play smart in the late stages of the tournament. You should adjust your strategy and tactics according to the situation and your position in the tournament, when the blinds are very high and the stacks are very short. You should consider factors such as the payouts, the bubble, the chip leader, the short stack, and the ICM (independent chip model). You should also be prepared to go all-in or fold with most of your hands.

Online Texas Poker

Another way to play Texas poker is to play online. Online Texas poker is a convenient and accessible option that allows you to play Texas poker anytime and anywhere you want. You can play online Texas poker on your computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, using a web browser or a dedicated app. You can also choose from a variety of online platforms that offer different features, games, bonuses, and promotions. Here are some of the benefits of playing online Texas poker:

  • You can play more hands and games in less time. Online Texas poker is faster and more efficient than live Texas poker, because you don't have to wait for cards to be dealt, shuffled, or collected. You can also play multiple tables or games at once, which increases your action and potential winnings.

  • You can play with more diversity and flexibility. Online Texas poker gives you access to a larger and more diverse pool of players from different countries, backgrounds, and skill levels. You can also play with more flexibility in terms of stakes, limits, formats, and styles.

  • You can play with more comfort and convenience. Online Texas poker allows you to play Texas poker from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office. You don't have to travel to a casino or a poker club, or deal with the noise, smoke, or distractions. You can also play at any time of the day or night, without having to worry about the availability or security of the games.

  • You can play with more tools and resources. Online Texas poker gives you access to a variety of tools and resources that can help you improve your Texas poker skills and performance. You can use software programs that can track your statistics, analyze your hands, calculate your odds, and provide you with feedback and advice. You can also use online platforms that can offer you coaching, training, videos, articles, forums, and more.

How to Play Online Texas Poker

If you want to play online Texas poker, you need to follow some simple steps. Here are the basic steps of how to play online Texas poker:

  • Choose an online platform that suits your needs and preferences. You should look for a platform that is reputable, reliable, secure, and licensed. You should also look for a platform that offers the games, features, bonuses, and promotions that you like.

  • Create an account and make a deposit. You need to register with the platform and provide some personal and financial information. You also need to make a deposit using one of the available payment methods. You should only deposit what you can afford to lose and use a secure and trusted payment method.

  • Select a game and join a table. You can choose from a variety of games, such as cash games, tournaments, sit-and-gos, and more. You can also choose from different stakes, limits, formats, and styles. You should select a game and a table that match your skill level and bankroll.

  • Play Texas poker online. You can play Texas poker online using the same rules and strategies as live Texas poker. However, you should also be aware of some differences and challenges that online Texas poker presents, such as the speed of the game, the lack of physical tells, the use of software tools, and the risk of collusion or cheating.


Texas poker is a fun and exciting game that can provide you with entertainment, challenge, and profit. Whether you play live or online, Texas poker can offer you many opportunities to test your skills, strategy, and psychology against other players. Texas poker is also a game that is easy to learn but hard to master. You need to constantly practice, study, and improve your game to become a better Texas poker player. We hope that this article has given you a good introduction to Texas poker and has inspired you to try it out. Remember to play responsibly and enjoy the game.


Here are some common questions and answers about Texas poker:

What is the difference between Texas poker and Omaha poker?

Texas poker and Omaha poker are both variants of poker that use two hole cards and five community cards to make the best possible five-card hand. However, there are some key differences between them:

  • In Texas poker, each player receives two hole cards and can use any combination of their hole cards and the community cards to make their hand.

  • In Omaha poker, each player receives four hole cards and must use exactly two of their hole cards and three of the community cards to make their hand.

This means that Omaha poker has more possibilities and combinations than Texas poker, but also more restrictions and requirements. Omaha poker is generally considered to be more complex and challenging than Texas poker.

What is the best starting hand in Texas poker?

The best starting hand in Texas poker is a pair of aces, also known as pocket aces or bullets. This hand has the highest chance of winning against any other hand before the flop, and it can also improve to a strong hand after the flop, such as a set (three of a kind), a full house, or a four of a kind. However, a pair of aces is not invincible and can still lose to other hands, especially if the board contains many cards that can make straights, flushes, or higher pairs. Therefore, it is important to play a pair of aces carefully and not overestimate its strength.

What is the worst starting hand in Texas poker?

The worst starting hand in Texas poker is 7-2 offsuit, also known as the hammer. This hand has the lowest chance of winning against any other hand before the flop, and it can rarely improve to a strong hand after the flop. Even if the board contains a 7 or a 2, this hand can still lose to higher pairs or better kickers. Therefore, it is advisable to fold this hand in most situations and avoid wasting money or chips on it.

What is the difference between cash games and tournaments in Texas poker?

Cash games and tournaments are two different formats of playing Texas poker that have different rules, structures, and objectives. Here are some of the main differences between them:

  • In cash games, players can join or leave the game at any time, and they can buy-in or cash-out as much as they want. The blinds and stakes are fixed and do not change throughout the game. The objective of cash games is to win as much money as possible from other players.

  • In tournaments, players have to pay a fixed entry fee and receive a certain number of chips to play with. The tournament continues until one player has all the chips or until a predetermined time limit is reached. The blinds and stakes increase at regular intervals throughout the tournament. The objective of tournaments is to survive as long as possible and finish in the top positions to receive prizes.

What are some of the best online platforms for playing Texas poker?

There are many online platforms that offer Texas poker games for players of different skill levels, preferences, and budgets. Some of the best online platforms for playing Texas poker are:

  • PokerStars: This is the largest and most popular online platform for playing Texas poker and other variants of poker. It offers a wide range of games, features, bonuses, and promotions for players of all levels. It also hosts some of the biggest and most prestigious online tournaments, such as the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) and the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP).

  • 888poker: This is one of the oldest and most trusted online platforms for playing Texas poker and other variants of poker. It offers a variety of games, features, bonuses, and promotions for players of all levels. It also hosts some of the most exciting and rewarding online tournaments, such as the Super XL Series and the Blast.

  • PartyPoker: This is one of the most innovative and user-friendly online platforms for playing Texas poker and other variants of poker. It offers a range of games, features, bonuses, and promotions for players of all levels. It also hosts some of the most fun and unique online tournaments, such as the Monster Series and the Sit & Go Hero.



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